How To Study Abroad After College In 2023


Completed your undergraduate studies and ready to study abroad after college to continue your studies somewhere a little outside your country?

Graduate school options give you the opportunity to grow while pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree, using a variety of methods and incredible schools of thought that you may not be familiar with in the States.

Are you working on a major project or research paper as part of your major, and the study abroad programs you’ve researched seem too generic?

This project may even be important to the next phase of your academic and professional career.  If this sounds like you, a global independent study abroad might be just what you need.

Independent study is usually an advanced course created and completed by the student under the guidance of a faculty sponsor.

Many of these programs may have strict application and admission requirements, so we recommend that you contact your college’s study abroad office or international education office for advice.

They can help you find application forms, research schools and programs, and connect you to support systems in your chosen location to arrange housing and transportation.

Can You Study Abroad After College?

Studying abroad after graduation is becoming increasingly popular as foreign universities and colleges meet student demand by offering courses in all major academic subjects.

Some graduate programs in the United States have the option of spending a semester, a year, or a shorter period of study abroad.  If you are considering going to graduate school, you may want to consider this as a consideration when searching for a program.

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Why Study Abroad After College?

Some students hope to continue their studies abroad after graduation.  It not only develops their personality by providing them with industry knowledge but also helps them to become self-sufficient.

As a result, many students choose to study abroad to thrive.  However, the procedure of studying abroad is very demanding and involves significant financial investments as well as documentation.

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Requirement to To Study Abroad After College

If you want credit for time spent abroad (and you should), be sure to meet with your US school’s registrar or academic advisor to find out what types of study abroad experiences and courses will transfer.

If you plan to complete your degree abroad and then return to the U.S. to find work, make sure the foreign degree meets U.S. equivalency requirements and be prepared to take state or federal certification exams in fields such as law, medicine, teaching, and  engineering when you come back.

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How To Study Abroad After College

Book a study abroad program at your university

Students traditionally study abroad through their college or university.  Often considered the easiest way to book a program, study abroad loans are almost guaranteed to meet your academic requirements, and the initial fee is often tied directly to your tuition payments.

In addition to easily transferable courses, your university’s study abroad program can also manage logistics such as visas and housing.  Many students report that studying abroad is actually cheaper than staying on campus?

Find study abroad programs through a third-party provider

Just as not all schools are the same, not all university study abroad programs are the same.  If your university doesn’t have a program with the focus, location, or dates you’re looking for, don’t give up and assume you’re not meant to study abroad.

There are many companies working in education to help students spend a semester, year, or summer abroad — regardless of your major or school.

These companies are called “third-party providers,” and they specialize in finding students for study abroad programs around the world.  However, one thing to note is that there is almost always a program fee for their services.

Supplement your studies with field research abroad

Do you thrive in a hands-on learning environment and can’t stand the thought of sitting in yet another classroom (even if it’s in another country)?  There is a special type of study abroad for you.

Ideal for students who find global independent research too demanding, field research is another exciting learning experience for prospective study abroad students.

While it may not offer as many academic credits as classroom learning, the work experience will be worthwhile.

Explore your options

There are many opportunities for graduate study abroad.  Some will lead you to a degree, while internships and vocational training programs can help you gain work experience and prepare for work in your chosen field.

  • Internship and professional training programs

If you are looking for a short-term travel opportunity or non-credit work experience, a post-baccalaureate internship or professional training program may be right for you.

These programs can complement almost any major or field of study you can think of.  For example, you might choose to work with an NGO in Botswana on a specific issue, such as economic development or health.

If your field of study is agriculture or the environment, you may want to look for a wildlife sanctuary or agribusiness internship in New Zealand.  For those who want to work in the international government, an internship in Brussels at NATO or the UN is perfect.

  • Studying abroad in a master’s program

If your goal is to obtain a master’s or doctoral degree, you can complete it in whole or in part abroad.

Many colleges in the US have partnership and exchange agreements with foreign schools that allow you to earn credit at your home institution while living and studying in another country for a semester, summer session, or an entire year.

Your college can also help you create an independent study program for a semester or other defined period of time, while your individual department can offer international travel programs of one to four weeks.

You can also contact one of several international education agencies, such as CIEE or CISA, to explore the many program options.

Keep in mind that it’s possible to get a full master’s degree online these days, which means you can theoretically live anywhere while you complete your coursework.  Some programs do have residency requirements, so be sure to read the fine print before applying.

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France Study Abroad After College

If you are considering studying abroad after college in France, then you will be joining the intellectual and creative pursuits that have always been part of the fabric of French society.

Not surprisingly, the French higher education system is well known for its long tradition of excellence.

In fact, France boasts the world’s fourth largest number of Nobel Prize winners, the largest number of international students in continental Europe, and the best modern student city (Paris).  Thus, France has many Master’s options for international students.

France is home to some of the most respected business schools in Europe and is also one of the world’s major business hubs, adding even more appeal to students interested in the ‘FAME’ (Finance, Accounting, Management and Economics) group  subjects.

The world’s fifth largest economy, France is home to world leaders in sectors such as cosmetics, electronics, automotive and aerospace.

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Can You Study Abroad After College Graduation?

Most US colleges and universities have study abroad offices that can help connect you with a study abroad or exchange program supported by your institution or through a study abroad provider.

You can choose to study abroad in a short summer program or J-Term, or spend a semester or a full academic year abroad.

Some programs are taught at centers or schools operated by your university or study abroad organization, and your peers may be other Americans or international students.

Other programs work directly with French educational institutions and students attend regular courses with other French students.

When choosing the program that’s right for you, consider your academic and career plans, language learning goals, and personal goals.

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Japan Study Abroad After College

Studying for a master’s degree in Japan can be a great choice for graduate students who are looking for a quality study abroad experience with unique opportunities.  Growing abroad, Japan has a lot to offer when it comes to graduate school.

Whether you want to explore Japan’s ultra-modern cities or its stunning sights, you’ll be well placed to take advantage of its expertise in a range of high-tech scientific fields.

There has never been a shortage of teaching and research in Japan, as education is at the heart of modern Japanese society and academic freedom is protected by the Japanese Constitution.

The Japanese government is also advancing the internationalization agenda of higher education through its “Top Global University Project.”

This project provides additional government funding to 37 Japanese universities that have been recognized for their work in globalization to help them build relationships with foreign universities and attract international academic talent.


Do you dream of working abroad after graduation?  Dreaming of applying what you learned in another country to boost your career with new skills – skills that can only be honed in a foreign country?  In truth, it’s useful, even smart, to go abroad and brush up on the subject you’ve mastered by adding international experience and meaningful travel to your resume.


currentschoolnews.com10 Easy Ways you can Study Abroad After Graduation

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