Pastor’s Daughter Causes A Stir With Her Mini-Wedding Dress In Church (Video)


The daughter of a Nigerian pastor recently made a bold statement with her unconventional wedding dress, leaving her family and friends in awe.

A video of the minister and his wife walking their daughter down the aisle went viral on social media, generating widespread buzz both online and offline.

The bride made a grand entrance in a mini wedding dress adorned with a long veil as her parents walked her down the aisle. Her guests were obviously shocked by the dress, as their surprised expressions were hard to miss.

Since the video surfaced on the internet, it has sparked strong backlash, with a significant number of people criticizing the bride, particularly because she is a pastor’s daughter.

@amaka.maya wrote: “I’m a sucker for “Do what makes you happy” but sometimes if doing what makes you happy is insulting the people that matter in your life, you might want to rethink that choice.”

@thefoodnetworkingnig2 wrote: “The big grin on the daddy sure looks like that of an embarrassment cover-up!
I want to see the dress without the veil though 

@adaikwerre wrote: “Her parents are properly dressed. You can tell she’s just one of those crazy pastor’s daughters who don’t give an F even though her parents might have tried severally.”

@omalivingshow wrote: “When you have a child that is clearly bigger than you. The parents look embarrassed and just cover up with smiles. Happy married life to her.”

Watch the viral video below,

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